Determining how often you need to wash your hair is seriously confusing. There are so many answers out there on the Internet that it can be hard to find what’s right for you. Some individuals swear by washing their hair every day. And, others find it beneficial to wash their hair only once per week. However, it is important to note, that everyone’s hair type and lifestyle are different. Both of these factors play a key role in how often you should wash your hair. In this article, our West Kelowna hair stylists are going to be going over everything you need to figure out how often you should wash your hair. Follow along below for more information.
What’s Your Hair Type?

The first step in determining how often your hair needs to be washed is finding out what hair type you have. Is it coarse? Fine? Is it healthy? Damaged? Do you have a lot of hair? In order to find this out grab a single strand of your hair and feel it. If you have trouble feeling the strand of hair, then you have fine hair. If you can feel it, you have medium hair. And, if the strand you grabbed feels thick or coarse, you have thick hair. Despite what your hair feels like, you can still have thick hair that is sparse. Similarly, you can have an abundance of fine hair that makes your hair appear ‘thick’.
The other test you’ll need to complete is the stretch test. This test is done to find out the current condition of your hair. To do this test, stretch a single strand of hair between your fingers. If the hair breaks right away, then your hair lacks strength and elasticity. However, if your hair stretches to half of its original length, then your hair is healthy and highly elastic.
With all of this in mind, you need to also consider that outside factors such as weather, lifestyle, mood, and health all factor into the condition and type of your hair. It is important that you perform these tests when you think your hair type has changed.
Washing Advice For Fine Hair, Coarse Hair, and Medium Hair.

Those with finer hair texture should consider washing their hair daily or every other day. This is because fine-haired individuals have more oil glands on their scalp, making their hair oily much faster. While it is commonly assumed that washing your hair daily is the root of issues like dryness and poor condition, it is often the products you use that make the difference. Good quality shampoo and conditioner can help you maintain luscious hair despite washing it often. Also, limiting heat tools and applying heat protectants when necessary can help keep your hair healthy.
People with medium hair are more likely to be able to go a few days without a wash. However, this is often dependent on where you live. In general, those with medium hair should consider washing their hair 2-3 times per week (or every other day). Your hair may change based on the seasons and climate which can affect the frequency with that you wash your locks. So, keep this in mind before sticking to a strict routine!
Lastly, for coarse-haired individuals, washing your hair infrequently is best. Dissimilar to fine and medium hair, coarse hair can go much longer before it shows signs of oiliness. Furthermore, coarse hair that is washed too often can be much harder to manage because it may get too dry. Those with hair types between 3a to 4c should consider washing their hair once every two weeks. This is because 3a-4c hair runs a bit on the dry side. With this being said, it is important to consider your lifestyle when choosing your washing regime. For instance, those who frequent the gym, do sports, or work outdoors may want to wash their hair once per week to prevent sweat buildup.
Contact Our West Kelowna Hair Stylists Now!
There are lots to consider when trying to figure out how often to wash your hair. Most of the time it just comes down to trial and error. If you under-wash your hair you can cause just the same amount of damage as over-washing your hair. So, it is important that you find a hair-washing frequency that works for you. In addition, those with sensitive scalps need to be extra careful about their washing routine and what products they use. If you want to go longer between washes, invest in a good dry shampoo or find some up-dos that you can quickly throw together.
Contact us today for more information on how often to wash your hair. Feel free to reach out to one of our West Kelowna hair stylists with any questions you may have about your hair or our salon! Be sure to check out our social media for the latest updates and events! We look forward to seeing you at our salon soon!